Educandi mentes et corda

Educandi mentes et corda

Educandi mentes et corda

Youthful Voices: English Fluency for Future Leaders | ESL | ESL Short Courses

Youthful Voices: English Fluency for Future Leaders | ESL | ESL Short Courses


Course Title: Youthful Voices: English Fluency for Future Leaders

Course Description: Join us on a journey to enhance your English fluency and leadership potential in “Youthful Voices.” This comprehensive course empowers emerging leaders with language skills and knowledge to thrive in today’s globalized world. Explore, communicate, and lead with confidence.

Course Length: This course spans 10 weeks of enriching instruction.

Proficiency Level: Beginning

Prerequisite: Completion of a lower-intermediate ESL course or equivalent language proficiency

Course Objectives (10): Upon completing the course, learners will be able to:

  • Unit 1: Everyday Objects and Actions
  • Unit 2: People and Places
  • Unit 3: Sentence Structure and Pronouns
  • Unit 4: Asking and Answering Questions
  • Unit 5: At the Grocery Store
  • Unit 6: At the Doctor’s Office
  • Unit 7: Making Plans and Appointments
  • Unit 8: Describing Family and Friends
  • Unit 9: Storytelling and Cultural Stories
  • Unit 10: Songs, Rhymes, and Fun with English
SKU: 7718 Category:


Course Units (10):

Unit 1 & 2: Building Basic Vocabulary

  • Unit 1: Everyday Objects and Actions
    • Learn names of everyday objects.
    • Practice action verbs.
  • Unit 2: People and Places
    • Identify common people and places.
    • Engage in simple conversations about them.

Unit 3 & 4: Introduction to Grammar

  • Unit 3: Sentence Structure and Pronouns
    • Understand sentence construction.
    • Use pronouns effectively.
  • Unit 4: Asking and Answering Questions
    • Master the art of asking and answering questions.
    • Engage in dialogue.

Unit 5 & 6: Language for Daily Life

  • Unit 5: At the Grocery Store
    • Learn grocery store vocabulary.
    • Practice shopping dialogues.
  • Unit 6: At the Doctor’s Office
    • Explore medical vocabulary.
    • Role-play doctor-patient conversations.

Unit 7 & 8: Practical Communication

  • Unit 7: Making Plans and Appointments
    • Discuss plans and appointments.
    • Role-play various scenarios.
  • Unit 8: Describing Family and Friends
    • Describe family and friends.
    • Share personal stories.

Unit 9 & 10: Engaging with Stories and Media

  • Unit 9: Storytelling and Cultural Stories
    • Listen to and tell stories.
    • Discover cultural tales.
  • Unit 10: Songs, Rhymes, and Fun with English
    • Sing songs and recite rhymes.
    • Engage in language games and activities.


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