Educandi mentes et corda

Educandi mentes et corda

Educandi mentes et corda

Language Quest: Epic ESL Adventures for Youth | ESL | ESL Short Courses

Language Quest: Epic ESL Adventures for Youth | ESL | ESL Short Courses


Course Title: Language Quest: Epic ESL Adventures for Youth

Course Description: “Language Quest” is a thrilling online ESL adventure designed to introduce beginning-level learners to the exciting world of English. Embark on a language journey like no other as we explore foundational language skills and prepare you for future language adventures. Get ready to unlock a world of opportunities through English!

Course Length: This course spans 10 weeks of engaging instruction.

Proficiency Level: Beginning

Prerequisite: Completion of a lower-intermediate ESL course or equivalent language proficiency

Course Objectives (10): Upon completing the course, learners will be able to:

  • Unit 1: Everyday Objects and Actions
  • Unit 2: People and Places
  • Unit 3: Sentence Structure and Pronouns
  • Unit 4: Asking and Answering Questions
  • Unit 5: At the Grocery Store
  • Unit 6: At the Doctor’s Office
  • Unit 7: Making Plans and Appointments
  • Unit 8: Describing Family and Friends
  • Unit 9: Storytelling and Cultural Stories
  • Unit 10: Songs, Rhymes, and Fun with English
SKU: 7719 Category:


Course Units (10):

Unit 1 & 2: Building Basic Vocabulary

  • Unit 1: Everyday Objects and Actions
    • Learn names of everyday objects.
    • Practice action verbs.
  • Unit 2: People and Places
    • Identify common people and places.
    • Engage in simple conversations about them.

Unit 3 & 4: Introduction to Grammar

  • Unit 3: Sentence Structure and Pronouns
    • Understand sentence construction.
    • Use pronouns effectively.
  • Unit 4: Asking and Answering Questions
    • Master the art of asking and answering questions.
    • Engage in dialogue.

Unit 5 & 6: Language for Daily Life

  • Unit 5: At the Grocery Store
    • Learn grocery store vocabulary.
    • Practice shopping dialogues.
  • Unit 6: At the Doctor’s Office
    • Explore medical vocabulary.
    • Role-play doctor-patient conversations.

Unit 7 & 8: Practical Communication

  • Unit 7: Making Plans and Appointments
    • Discuss plans and appointments.
    • Role-play various scenarios.
  • Unit 8: Describing Family and Friends
    • Describe family and friends.
    • Share personal stories.

Unit 9 & 10: Engaging with Stories and Media

  • Unit 9: Storytelling and Cultural Stories
    • Listen to and tell stories.
    • Discover cultural tales.
  • Unit 10: Songs, Rhymes, and Fun with English
    • Sing songs and recite rhymes.
    • Engage in language games and activities.


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