Educandi mentes et corda

Educandi mentes et corda

Educandi mentes et corda

English Marvels: Ignite Your Youthful Language Power | ESL | ESL Short Courses

English Marvels: Ignite Your Youthful Language Power | ESL | ESL Short Courses


Course Title: English Marvels: Ignite Your Youthful Language Power

Course Description: Welcome to English Marvels, where language becomes an adventure! This comprehensive course is designed to take your English skills to new heights. You’ll delve into advanced topics while embracing creativity and self-expression.

Course Length: This course spans 12 weeks of exciting and challenging instruction.

Proficiency Level: Intermediate to Advanced

Prerequisite: Completion of a lower-intermediate ESL course or equivalent language proficiency

Course Objectives (10): Upon completing the course, learners will have achieved the following objectives:

  • Unit 1: Expanding Your Lexicon
  • Unit 2: Idioms and Expressions Mastery
  • Unit 3: Complex Sentence Structures
  • Unit 4: Precision in Verb Tenses
  • Unit 5: Persuasive Speaking and Debate
  • Unit 6: Advanced Presentation Techniques
  • Unit 7: Literary Critique and Analysis
  • Unit 8: Creative Writing and Storytelling
  • Unit 9: Cultural Awareness and Sensitivity
  • Unit 10: Global Issues and International Relations
SKU: 7717 Category:


Course Units (10):

Unit 1 & 2: Mastering Advanced Vocabulary

  • Unit 1: Expanding Your Lexicon
    • Discover and master advanced vocabulary.
    • Practice using these words in written and spoken exercises.
  • Unit 2: Idioms and Expressions Mastery
    • Learn common idiomatic expressions.
    • Apply idioms to real-life scenarios.

Unit 3 & 4: Advanced Grammar Proficiency

  • Unit 3: Complex Sentence Structures
    • Explore complex sentence forms.
    • Create sentences with intricate structures.
  • Unit 4: Precision in Verb Tenses
    • Study advanced verb tenses.
    • Practice using them accurately in various contexts.

Unit 5 & 6: Effective Communication Strategies

  • Unit 5: Persuasive Speaking and Debate
    • Develop persuasive communication skills.
    • Engage in debates and discussions on contemporary issues.
  • Unit 6: Advanced Presentation Techniques
    • Perfect your presentation skills.
    • Deliver persuasive and impactful speeches.

Unit 7 & 8: Literary Analysis and Creative Writing

  • Unit 7: Literary Critique and Analysis
    • Analyze literary works.
    • Formulate well-structured literary critiques.
  • Unit 8: Creative Writing and Storytelling
    • Cultivate creative writing abilities.
    • Craft engaging stories and narratives.

Unit 9 & 10: Cultural Insights and Global Discussions

  • Unit 9: Cultural Awareness and Sensitivity
    • Explore cultural diversity.
    • Develop cultural sensitivity and understanding.
  • Unit 10: Global Issues and International Relations
    • Investigate global challenges and international relations.
    • Engage in discussions on pressing global topics.


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