Educandi mentes et corda

Educandi mentes et corda

Educandi mentes et corda

English Fusion: Where Language and Fun Converge | ESL | ESL Short Courses

English Fusion: Where Language and Fun Converge | ESL | ESL Short Courses


Course Title: English Fusion: Where Language and Fun Converge


Course Description: “English Fusion: Where Language and Fun Converge” is an engaging online course designed for intermediate to advanced English learners. Immerse yourself in a dynamic learning experience that blends language proficiency with enjoyable and interactive activities. Dive into a world where language meets entertainment and expand your English language skills while having fun.

Course Length: This course spans 10 weeks of immersive instruction.

Proficiency Level: Intermediate to Advanced

Prerequisite: Completion of a lower-intermediate ESL course or equivalent language proficiency

Course Objectives (10): Upon completing the course, learners will be able to:

Unit 1 & 2: Conversation Mastery

  1. Engage in fluent and natural conversations in various social settings.
  2. Express thoughts and opinions clearly and confidently in discussions.

Unit 3 & 4: Creative Writing Skills

  1. Craft compelling narratives and stories in English.
  2. Enhance writing skills for different genres, from fiction to non-fiction.

Unit 5 & 6: Effective Public Speaking

  1. Deliver engaging and persuasive speeches with confidence.
  2. Apply effective techniques to captivate an audience.

Unit 7 & 8: Interactive Language Games

  1. Improve language skills through interactive games and activities.
  2. Collaborate with peers in language-based game challenges.

Unit 9 & 10: Multimedia Presentations

  1. Create engaging multimedia presentations that blend language and visuals.
  2. Showcase the ability to convey information effectively using multimedia.
SKU: 7723 Category:


Course Units (10):

Unit 1 & 2: Conversation Mastery

  • Unit 1: Everyday Conversations
    • Engage in dialogues covering daily life topics.
    • Role-play everyday scenarios to enhance conversational skills.
  • Unit 2: Expressing Opinions
    • Develop the ability to express opinions clearly.
    • Engage in debates and discussions on contemporary issues.

Unit 3 & 4: Creative Writing Skills

  • Unit 3: Storytelling Techniques
    • Explore storytelling techniques and narrative structures.
    • Write short stories and share them with peers.
  • Unit 4: Non-fiction Writing
    • Learn to write effective articles and essays.
    • Create informative and persuasive written content.

Unit 5 & 6: Effective Public Speaking

  • Unit 5: The Art of Speech
    • Study the art of speechwriting and delivery.
    • Prepare and deliver speeches on various topics.
  • Unit 6: Captivating an Audience
    • Explore techniques for captivating and engaging an audience.
    • Present persuasive speeches with impact.

Unit 7 & 8: Interactive Language Games

  • Unit 7: Vocabulary Challenges
    • Expand vocabulary through word games and challenges.
    • Compete with peers in vocabulary quizzes.
  • Unit 8: Language Olympics
    • Participate in language-based Olympics-style games.
    • Collaborate with a team to compete in language challenges.

Unit 9 & 10: Multimedia Presentations

  • Unit 9: Visual Storytelling
    • Create multimedia presentations that tell compelling stories.
    • Blend language with visuals to convey messages effectively.
  • Unit 10: Showcase and Reflection
    • Present multimedia projects to peers.
    • Reflect on the course journey and individual progress.


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