Educandi mentes et corda

Educandi mentes et corda

Educandi mentes et corda

Business Plan

Business Plan


Course Description: This course will walk students through the process of writing a business plan.

Students will the critical details of a business plan, especially for presentation for a loan or an investor. At the end of this course, will have sufficient skills to make a we well-designed informative business plan

Course Objectives: 

  • describe the parts of a business plan
  • analyze how a business plan helps companies make decisions with the future in mind
  • develop Mission Statement and Vision Statement
  • develop goals and objectives
  • select a product and/or service for the business
  • analyze the business context and risks of products and/or services
  • develop a marketing plan
  • identify resource requirements and building capabilities
  • develop strategies for achieving / sustaining competitive advantage
  • develop an Operational Plan
  • develop Client Account Management procedures
  • prepare a budget for the first year of operation, by months, and indicating the break-even point
  • be able to write an Executive Summary to leave with loan officers or investors
  • estimating the economic viability of their business
SKU: 4120 Category: Tag:


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