Educandi mentes et corda

Educandi mentes et corda

Educandi mentes et corda

Teen Titans of English: Unleashing Your Language Power | ESL | ESL Short Courses

Teen Titans of English: Unleashing Your Language Power | ESL | ESL Short Courses


Course Title: Teen Titans of English: Unleashing Your Language Power

Course Description: “Teen Titans of English: Unleashing Your Language Power” is an exhilarating online course designed for learners with intermediate to advanced English proficiency. This dynamic program empowers young language enthusiasts to harness the full potential of English, enabling them to confidently communicate, excel academically, and explore the world. Join us on this epic journey to master the language and unlock countless opportunities.

Course Length: This course spans 12 weeks of immersive instruction.

Proficiency Level: Intermediate to Advanced

Prerequisite: Completion of a lower-intermediate ESL course or equivalent language proficiency

Course Objectives (10): Upon completing the course, learners will be able to:

  • Unit 1: Mastering Complex Sentence Structures, Advanced Grammar Prowess
  • Unit 2: Polishing Grammar and Style
  • Unit 3: Vocabulary Enrichment
  • Unit 4: Idioms and Expressions Mastery
  • Unit 5: Cross-Cultural Communication
  • Unit 6: Persuasive Communication
  • Unit 7: Academic Excellence, Academic Writing Proficiency
  • Unit 8: Critical Thinking and Analysis
  • Unit 9: Creative Writing and Storytelling
  • Unit 10: Debate and Persuasion
SKU: 7721 Category:


Course Units (10):

Unit 1 & 2: Advanced Grammar Prowess

  • Unit 1: Mastering Complex Sentence Structures
    • Learn complex sentence structures.
    • Analyze sentences from literature.
  • Unit 2: Polishing Grammar and Style
    • Study advanced grammar rules.
    • Edit sentences for elegance.

Unit 3 & 4: Expanding Vocabulary Horizons

  • Unit 3: Vocabulary Enrichment
    • Acquire advanced vocabulary.
    • Apply new words in context.
  • Unit 4: Idioms and Expressions Mastery
    • Master idiomatic expressions.
    • Use idioms in creative writing.

Unit 5 & 6: Effective Communication in a Global Context

  • Unit 5: Cross-Cultural Communication
    • Explore cross-cultural communication.
    • Engage in cross-cultural dialogues.
  • Unit 6: Persuasive Communication
    • Craft persuasive speeches.
    • Write persuasive essays.

Unit 7 & 8: Academic Excellence

  • Unit 7: Academic Writing Proficiency
    • Write academic essays.
    • Create a research report.
  • Unit 8: Critical Thinking and Analysis
    • Analyze academic articles.
    • Produce critical analyses.

Unit 9 & 10: Creative Expression and Debate

  • Unit 9: Creative Writing and Storytelling
    • Write creative stories.
    • Develop storytelling skills.
  • Unit 10: Debate and Persuasion
    • Prepare for debates.
    • Participate in persuasive discussions.


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